My gypsy soul cries out to grab hold
Of the nearest long haired dancing angel
The sweet violin and the melody unfolds
My hand on her back; and we tango.
The moonlight through the window knows
The passion fire in our hearts tonight.
Your eyes shine brighter than a candle glow.
The blue light gaze, keeps me locked into site.
Oh step in time to my gypsy soul
Oh come to me in my gypsy need
Oh drink with me my gypsy wine
Oh say you are my gypsy love.
Your lips smile as we kiss the first time
Oh yes friends can’t help but laugh out loud
Our foreheads knock, our arms do entwine
Passion isn’t smooth when love is vowed.
The last wine is poured gingerly as we lie
The moonlight reflecting your flesh is lush
All the giggles have turned to purrs and sighs
Our eyes close to the sound of the gypsy hush
notes.... ok so one night I believe Lori was at a Church retreat, I was paging through different books she had out... and I think it as an Anne Lamott book that I found a chapter or short story about loving like a gypsy... free spirit. Well that was all I needed to get my Bohemian blood going. Always thought the song should have a fiddle, but I just can't my son to play along with my dreams. Yes the backup vocals are me too with a little help from garageband effect.
Yes... It became the name of the cd because I am 50% Bohemian, and Zeman (my perfoming name) is picked from my Grandmother's maiden name. Her father's father likely came over on the boat from Europe and settled in Wisconsin. Geez... Bohemia doesn't even exist any more.
The art for the cd was a royalty free graphic tweeked to look a little like an old Eagle's record....